This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Kick-off meeting in Rome, 1-2 September 2014
On the first two days of September, the premises of the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico will host the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES* Kick-off Meeting, which brought together 12 cultural institutions and archives, universities, research centres and innovative SMEs from all over Europe.
The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is about the participation of citizens in research on cultural heritage and humanities. The project will last 16 months and it has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.
ICT are powerful drivers of creativity, but specific technical know-how is still generally lacking in the creative industries sectors. In addition, humanities scholarship is not yet taking full advantage of ICT to engage with wider audiences. New skills are needed to enable the cultural sector to grasp employment and commercial opportunities.
The project aims to develop and validate a Roadmap for the use of e-Infrastructures to support the participation of European citizens in research on cultural heritage and digital humanities. Critically, the Roadmap will offer support for improved social cohesion arising from the sharing of knowledge and understanding of Europe’s citizens common and individual cultures.
The partners are committed to the values of open data, open source and open innovation.
The Project will be lead by the Italian Ministry for the Economic Development and the Project Manager will be Mauro Fazio, Director of the Department for the Communications. The Technical Coordinator will be Antonella Fresa, Director of PROMOTER, who has worked in this role within the MICHAEL and MINERVA series, DC-NET ERA-NET, INDICATE, LINKED HERITAGE. Currently she is technical coordinator of EUROPEANAPHOTOGRAPHY, DCH-RP, EAGLE, EUROPEANASPACE projects, and Communication Manager of RICHES and PREFORMA project.
The Kick-off meeting is reserved to the partners.
Download the Agenda of the meeting here.
Venue: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – Roma, Viale America 201 (metro line B, stop “EUR Palasport”)
Please click here to find a map with all the facilities (hotel, railway station, airports)
*The term Civic Epistemologies is taken from the study of Sheila Jasanoff in ‘Designs on Nature’ (2007) in which she defines civic epistemologies as “the institutionalized practices by which members of a given society test knowledge claims used as a basis for making collective choices.”