This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creative Support Systems, Limassol 6-8 November 2014
KICSS’2014 will be 9th in the series of highly successful interdisciplinary conferences on creativity and related topics and the second one to be held in Europe, following Krakow (2013), Melbourne (2012), Beijing (2011), and Chiang Mai (2010). Proceedings of the previous KICSS conferences have been published by Springer LNCS/LNAI, IEEE CPS, JAIST Press.
Following the tradition of previous conferences on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, KICSS 2014 will cover all aspects of knowledge management, knowledge engineering, intelligent information systems, and creativity in an information technology context, including computational creativity and its cognitive and collaborative aspects. Papers reporting original unpublished research results on theoretical foundations, IT implementations of decision support and expert systems, as well as case studies of successful applications of the above-mentioned ideas in various fields are equally solicited.
Prof. Milena Dobreva (University of Malta), our WP2 Leader, will chair a special session of the Conference and will deliver a presentation of the Civic Epistemologies project during the session called “Citizen Science in the Humanities: A Promise for Creativity”.
More information on the KICSS 2014 International Conference here.