This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Civic Epistemologies @ Second Policy Seminar, RICHES project, Brussels 23 May 2016
In the light to continue the dissemination of the results of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project and to strengthen the establishment of a valuable network among EU projects, Mauro Fazio (Project Coordinator) participated to the Second Policy Seminar, organised by the RICHES project.
The scope of the seminar was to discuss how the RICHES project (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society) can provide evidence-based insights to support cultural heritage policymaking in Europe.
The programme offered to participants the opportunity to challenge institutional points of view with some practical results of the research conducted by RICHES, with particular regard to the following themes:
- The use of craft skills in new contexts.
- Community-led developments: food and cultural heritage in the urban age – the role of local food movements.
- European identity, belonging and the role for digital cultural heritage: structures for social and territorial cohesion and minority communities.
- Economics of culture: fiscal and economic issues in the digital age.
- Institutional changes: exploring the status of digital heritage mediated by memory institutions.
The seminar started with a pre-event consisting in a networking session of EC Projects, a follow up to the first such session organised on the occasion of the first Policy Seminar in October 2015. The scope of this session was to reflect on how to sustain the organisation of these appointments in the future, after the end of the RICHES project (end of May 2015). In facts, as the RICHES events are organized with networking sessions and discussions, they represent a good opportunity to reflect on the impact that cultural heritage projects are delivering, identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness of their results, and identify synergies and the potential for collaboration among projects.
More than 20 EU projects have been presented and attended the Newtorking Session. Civic Epistemologies has been introduced by Mauro Fazio and the dissemination materials developed by the Consortium have been distributed, while the two posters (project and Roadmap) have been diplayed both in the conference room and in the digital gallery on the web (click here to open the Poster Digital Gallery).
The seminar, hosted at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), comprises political updates by representatives from the European Parliament and the European Commission, the presentation of policy recommendations from the RICHES project and a Round Table discussion involving major stakeholders.
For further information, the presentations by the speakers and any further outcome of the Policy Seminar, please visit the event page on the RICHES website.
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