This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

The Roadmap for Citizen Science has been presented at the “Festival della Scienza”, Genoa 3 November 2016
The Roadmap for Citizen Science developed by the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES continues to being discussed among experts, reseachers and citizens.
As part of the “Festival della Scienza”, taking place from October 27 to November 6 at Genoa (Italy), CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES has been selected to discuss about the Citizens engagement and the results of its studies into a session devoted to the Open Science. (See the images of the gallery at the bottom of the article)
Antonella Fresa, Promoter’s Director and CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES Technical Coordinator, represented the European Consortium who worked around the EC’s project.
The venue of the meeting was in the premises of the Regione Liguria - Piazza de Ferrari, 2r (piano terra Palazzo della Regione Liguria – Sala Trasparenza).

The event, in italian language, interested a wide number of experts from different areas of interest. Starting from different experiences and expertise but interested to dibate on how citizens may be involved in the reserch processes.
After the welcome message from Ilaria Cavo, Assessore alla Cultura of the Regione Liguria who opened the session, Prof. Francesco Archetti (Professor of Computer Science at the Bicocca’s University in Milano) introduced the concept of Open Science (download the presentation here) while Federica Rosetta, from Elsevier, discussed about open science to researchers and citizens and from the point of view of the Editor (download the presentation here).
Francesco Nori, researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) presented iCub, the humanoid robot, an open source international endeavour initially funded by the EU project RobotCub. (download the presentation here)
Lorenzino Vaccari, Senior Researcher, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, talked about the EC’s commitment to Open Data, challenges and the work done by the JRC in this area, including the involvement of citizens. (download the presentation here)
Antonio Parodi, Researcher Director of the “Fondazione CIMA”, talked about citizen shared data for environmental monitoring and how citizens can help collecting data to improve forecasting of big meteorological disasters. (download the presentation here)
Antonella Fresa, presenting the results of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES’s EU project, reflected about the necessity to engage the Citizens in the research on cultural heritage and humanities (also considering new creative approaches): one of the most important lessons learned is the necessity to consider a shift in mentality in both the cultural heritage and the academic sector. The participation of non-professional curators in the development of new knowledge has to be fully accepted, and appropriate procedures and guidelines have to be designed and applied in line with that. Otherwise, there is a risk in missing a big opportunity in mobilise additional non-conventional resources for the research. (download the presentation here)
The interesting initiative hosted a final discussion with some interesting contributions from the proactive audience. The interest around the Citizen Science is growing: it’s getting more and more space in the events in the framework of the scientific research and this may help citizens to be increasingly aware of their important role.
The term Open Science describes how digital technologies, media and networks are changing the way in which research is conducted, shared and disseminated. The scientific community benefits from greater collaboration among researchers supported by new technologies – as well as open to the contributions of the citizens – and it is at the center of scientific debate concepts such as transparency and reproducibility of research results. In particular, the strong demand for open data, as freely and open available for all, highlights the need for adequate supports for the storage and sharing of the data, as well as platforms to make them more accessible. Thus, citizens are invited to make its entry into the “data space”, and to support projects and research playing an active role through citizen science initiatives. Moreover, the citizens, moreover, are the recipients of a number of science communication activities, aimed to bridge the gap between science and society. Are you interested to these themes? Would you like to know more about the Open Data and about your possible role as a scientific citizen? Join us and participate to the Open Science Café!
Agenda of the session (italian): Scienza e Societá, nell’era di Open Science
- 11.30 – 11.40 Welcome message, Francesco Archetti, Università Milano Bicocca (presentazione PDF)
- 11.40 – 12.00 Introducing Open Science, di che si tratta? La prospettiva di un Editore Federica Rosetta, Associate Director Academic Relations (presentazione PDF)
- 12.00 – 12.10 Open Science e tecnologie digitali: iCUB il robot umanoide, Francesco Nori, Tenure Track Researcher, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (presentazione PDF)
- 12.10 – 12.20 La condivisione dei dati per Open Science: un progetto del Joint Research Centre, Lorenzino Vaccari, Senior Researcher, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (presentazione PDF)
- 12.20 – 12.30 Eventi idro-meteorologici estremi: quale ruolo dei cittadini-scienziati?, Antonio Parodi, Research Director CIMA Foundation Genova (presentazione PDF)
- 12.30 – 12. 40 Una Roadmap per i “cittadini scientifici”nell’era della cultura digitale, Antonella Fresa, Promoter Srl (presentazione PDF)
- 12.40 – 13.00 Open Science Café – dibattito con la partecipazione dei relatori e del pubblico
The Workshop has been organised by Elsevier.
See details (in italian) here:
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