This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694
Registry of resources
To access to the Registry of Resources, please click here.
This task identifies tools, workflows, approaches, solutions, demonstrators, and applications useful for supporting the involvement of citizens in the scientific development process, and a registry containing these kind of resources has been realised and and implemented online.
The Registry contains two kinds of knowledge necessary to start up and run such projects:
- What can be a subject of research and what can be a role of citizens in the research. This kind of knowledge may be gained from studying examples of past or ongoing projects. Analysis of such examples allows reusing successful project patterns and also helps to get inspiration for new ideas for projects. Thus, one group of items collected in the registry are approaches, solutions, demonstrators or simply saying instances of citizen science and crowdsourcing projects.
- How to develop and implement a project. Those starting projects should have a reliable source of information on available technical means necessary to setup the collaboration, communicate between professional and citizen researchers, collect, store and possibly publish or reuse results of the work. Thus, the registry also contains items such as software applications and frameworks, as well as available services that may be a platform for the project. This knowledge may be even more valuable, as it is often obscure: it is relatively easy to find examples of projects and description what they actually do, but usually the description of how exactly those projects had been implemented and what are the stumbling blocks when one ventures on a citizen science initiatives is missing. Another important element influencing decisions how the project should be organized is standards which define boundaries and assure required quality of work. Hence the registry shall also contain information about standards.
The Registry aims collecting knowledge that will be useful both for preparing the Roadmap and for wide public interested in running civic science or crowdsourcing projects. At the moment, there is no other good structured, universal source of knowledge, that could be reused for that purpose. Also wider Internet research may give partial results.
The real source of knowledge is experience of people who have organized and have taken part in citizen science projects. Note, that this source is highly distributed. So that, the strategy of collecting the data for the Registry, involve many people, representatives of citizen science stakeholders. Namely, taking into account that CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES targets at DCHH sector, they are:
- cultural heritage institutions (museums, archives, libraries, etc.),
- universities,
- e-Infrastructure providers,
- enterprises active in DCCH area.
Your contribution to the Registry of Resources is very useful to collect best practices examples useful for supporting the involvement of citizens in the scientific development process from our audiences.
Send your contribution through the “Contact us” form beside or please write us at:
Have a look to the work done on the Registry dowloading the Deliverable D3.1 here
To access to the Registry of Resources, please click here.