This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

A rich programme of activities is planned in the project to establish factual exchanges with the target groups and to get them involved in the validation of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES Roadmap.
The following face-to-face events are foreseen throughout the project:
- 3 Focus Groups, in Valletta, Stockholm and Barcelona, hosted by University of Malta, Riksarchivet and University of Coventry – respectively WP2, WP3 and WP4 Leaders -, following the same protocol, under the coordination of WP2 Leader;
- 3 Workshops, one in Valletta (Workshop on User needs), one in Leuven (Workshop on the Roadmap), one in Budapest (Workshop on Innovation in Cultural Heritage Institutions);
- the Final Conference in Berlin.