This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @EGI Community Forum, Bari 10-13 November 2015
Building Next Generation e-Infrastructures through Communities is the title of the EGI Community Forum 2015 that will be held in Bari, Italy between 10-13 November, 2015.
ABSTRACT:Nowadays, research practice is increasingly and in many cases exclusively data driven. Knowledge of how to use tools to manipulate research data, and the availability of e-infrastructures to support them, are foundational. Along with this, new types of communities are forming around interests in digital tools, computing facilities and data repositories.
By making infrastructure services, community engagement and training inseparable, existing communities can be empowered by new ways of doing research, and new communities can be created around tools and data. The EGI Community Forum aims at gathering tool developers, infrastructure providers, data providers and research communities to work together towards open science.
The Civic Epistemologies project has been invited to join the event but, due to the overlaps with the Final Conference that the project is organising in Berlin, our project will be presented during a poster session. The project’s poster will be displayed in the event’s exhibition area.
Our colleague Sy Holsinger (from will distribute booklets and leaflet of the project during the three-days meeting among the visitors.
More information about the EGI CF2015 is available here:
Venue: Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Via G. Capruzzi, 326
70124 Bari
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