This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Civic Epistemologies @ ELPUB 2015, Malta 1-3 September 2015
The Civic Epistemologies has been part of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub2015), Valletta.

Elpub 2015 is the 19th edition of the conference and it is continuing the tradition, bringing together academics, publishers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. These include the human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and other relevant aspects that such an exciting theme encompasses.
Elpub 2015 was particularly focus on the interplay of two dimensions of the electronic publishing – the ever growing volume of digital collections, and the improved understanding of the widest user group, the one of the citizens.
The Conference aimed to provide a forum for discussing how scale of collections, openness and trust change the way citizens contribute to modern research.
The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project presentation was hosted during the Session “What’s in it for me? Engaging with citizens and professionals” on Tuesday 1st September (11.00-13.00 CET).

Mauro Fazio, the Project Coordinator (from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development) and Borje Justrell (from National Archives in Sweden) were represented the whole Consortium. Download the project presentation here. The focus of the presentation was the development of the Roadmap: the second release has been presented at the Workshop in Budapest (July 2015) and the project is collecting inputs in order to the next issue planned for the end of September. The final version of the document will be presented to the International Conference in Berlin (November 2015) before the end of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project.
See the full Programme of the Conference here.
See the Paper here.
Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta (MALTA)
Elpub 2015 was organised by University of Malta. The University of Malta is the highest educational institution in Malta.
General Chair: Dr. Milena Dobreva – Associate Professor at the University of Malta, Malta
Programme Chair: Schmidt, Birgit – University of Göttingen, Germany
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