This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ ILIDE 2016 CONFERENCE, Jasnà (Slovakia) 14-16 March 2016
For the 19th time, the beautiful and snowing surroundings of Low Tatras created a scenery for the ILIDE 2016 Conference where thematic as the digital preservation, digital collections access and digital processing experts from around the world were deeply discussed.
The conference was the continuation of well-known and prestigious Digital Library Conference. The organisers felt that the name should reflect the broader area of topics the conference has recently presented and ilide: Innovative Library in Digital Era, fully represents the conference’s broader scope.
However, the ilide2016conference is not losing its attractive atmosphere and remains a unique opportunity to connect with library professionals, who work in a variety of government, academic and private sectors.
The presentations were given by leading representatives of the most important institutions dedicated to librarianship, archiving, information technology, cultural and collecting activities.
The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES has been disseminated by Antonella Fresa who fixed the Roadmap poster and distributed the project’s leaflets and final reports. The project is continuing to be presented after the end of the funded period, as promised by the Consortium.
More information about the event are available here, on the Conference website and following the #ILIDE2016 on Twitter.
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