This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ Smart City and Big Data 2015
Claudio Prandoni from Promoter Srl attended the Smart City and Big Data 2015 Conference, where he disseminated the results of the Civic Epistemologies project, and particularly the Handbook on the Roadmap, to the over 100 attendees coming from all over Italy.
During the event, organised by the School of Engineering in Florence on 13 November 2015, the activities of the DISIT laboratory of the University of Florence, in collaboration with the Municipality, the metereology laboratory LAMMA, and the CNR-IBIMET institute of the National Research Concil, were presented and demonstrated.
The DISIT Lab is part of the IT Engineering Department of the University and develops technologies in the field of big data, semantic indexing, user profiling, segmentation and behaviour analysis, social media and smart services. Since 20 years the DISIT Lab is very active in EU and national/regional projects, developing solutions in the domains of Smart City, Smart Cloud, Smart Manufacturing, Social Media, social intelligence and realizing solutions and infrastructures such as Km4City, a Twitter Vigilance platform, APRETOSCANA and the performative arts social network ECLAP.
During the day it was possible to interact with the scientists and Lab coordinators, to see presentations and demonstrations, and to learn about the results of the knowledge and technology transfer to the industry, about the current projects and those which will be launched in the next period.
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