This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

“Cultural Heritage in a Changing World” – the RICHES book – is available to download on Springer

Developed within the RICHES project about the context of change of our society and cultural heritage, the book “Cultural Heritage in a Changing World” addresses several core topics, through essays of important experts, adding to the debates surrounding the cultural heritage domain.
The Book is divided into four interrelated sections: Context of Change; Mediated and Unmediated Heritage; Co-creation and Living Heritage for Social Cohesion; and Identity and Belonging.
The Introduction and the whole editorial process have been curated by RICHES partners Karol Jan Borowiecki (University of Southern Denmark), Neil Forbes (Coventry University) and Antonella Fresa (Promoter SRL).
Neil Forbes and Antonella Fresa are also partner of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project.
List of chapters:
Context of Change
- Cultures and Technology: An Analysis of Some of the Changes in Progress—Digital, Global and Local Culture, by Mariella Combi
- Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Creation of Digital Dance and Performance: A Critical Examination, by Sarah Whatley and Amalia G. Sabiescu
- Sound Archives Accessibility, by Silvia Calamai, Veronique Ginouvès and Pier Marco Bertinetto
- Technology and Public Access to Cultural Heritage: The Italian Experience on ICT for Public Historical Archives, by Calogero Guccio, Marco Ferdinando Martorana, Isidoro Mazza and Ilde Rizzo
- Copyright, Cultural Heritage and Photography: A Gordian Knot?, by Frederik Truyen and Charlotte Waelde
Mediated and Unmediated Heritage
- A Case Study of an Inclusive Museum: The National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari Becomes “Liquid”, by Anna Maria Marras, Maria Gerolama Messina, Donatella Mureddu and Elena Romoli
- The Museum as Information Space: Metadata and Documentation, by Trilce Navarrete and John Mackenzie Owen
- The Museum of Gamers: Unmediated Cultural Heritage Through Gaming, by Serdar Aydin and Marc Aurel Schnabel
Co-creation and Living Heritage for Social Cohesion
- Change of Museums by Change of Perspective: Reflecting Experiences of Museum Development in the Context of “EuroVision—Museums Exhibiting Europe” (EU Culture Programme), by Susanne Schilling
- Technologies Lead to Adaptability and Lifelong Engagement with Culture Throughout the Cloud, by Silvia de los Rios Perez, Maria Fernanda Cabrera-Umpierrez and Maria Teresa Arredondo
- The Place of Urban Cultural Heritage Festivals: The Case of London’s Notting Hill Carnival, by Ernest Taylor and Moya Kneafsey
- Tools You Can Trust? Co-design in Community Heritage Work, by Simon Popple and Daniel H. Mutibwa
- Crowdsourcing Culture: Challenges to Change, by Dora Constantinidis
- The Spanish Republican Exile: Identity, Belonging and Memory in the Digital World, by Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho and Maurizio Toscano
- Growing Up in the ‘Digital’ Age: Chinese Traditional Culture Is Coming Back in Digital Era, by Situ Xiaochun
Further, a chapter about Riches and the Riches Taxonomy conclude the book.
Civic Epistemologies and Riches signed on November 2015 the Berlin Charter, a set of principles for encouraging and supporting citizens’ engagement in cultural heritage and humanities research in the digital age.
The Book is downloadable for free on Springer here.
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