This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Digital Heritage and Innovation, Engagement and Identity – Final Conference in Berlin 12-13 November 2015
The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is ending in November 2015 with the delivery of a Roadmap that indicated a set of steps that we consider important for progressing in the direction of improving the relationship between cultural heritage and the society.
In particular, there are two factors that the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project has taken into account:
- The digital is producing a big change that is impacting on the cultural institutions, their practices, the way that the heritage is preserved, accessed and made available on the Internet;
- The participation of the citizens to the digital cultural heritage, to the digitisation activities, and to co-creation experiences, including the artistic dimension, represents a big potential that is demanding to be unlocked.
The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES conference will focus on these themes.
The programme will include the participation of delegates from all over Europe:
- the representative of the European Commission,
- the representative of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, i.e. the Coordinator of the project
- the representatives of the partners; they will illustrate the results of the project, sharing the lessons learnt also through concrete case studies and pilots
- key note speakers (negotiations are on going)
We are planning a wide audience to be targeted, including: policy makers, cultural managers and curators, association of citizens, representatives of the educational sector, creative and cultural enterprises.
More information about the Conference here.
View the post of the European Commission portal announcing this conference.
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