This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Promoter srl
Promoter SRL is an SME based in Pisa; it was founded in 1996, bringing together competencies and experiences in the areas of information and communication technologies, multimedia innovation, business promotion and project management. Promoter has extensive experience in the management of EU projects, having been involved in many projects since the early 1990s. Currently, in the domain of digital cultural heritage, Promoter provides research services and is partner of the following projects: EAGLE (CIP BPN), RICHES (FP7-SSH-2013-2), EUROPEANA SPACE (CIP BPN), PREFORMA (FP7), HOLA-CLOUD (H2020-ICT2014-1).
Software development, system design, technology transfer, academy/industry collaboration, business architecture, consultancy and project management represent the main expertise of the company. Promoter operates in several fields, including technical development of ICT platforms and web-design, multimedia production, electronic and web publishing, corporate consulting, dedicated online services for the promotion of culture and tourism. Prestigious Culture and Research Institutes as well as private enterprises in Europe and worldwide have engaged Promoter as technical coordinator and consultant to assist their projects to improve innovation.
In 2011, Promoter launched, platform which addresses both professionals and the general public: people working in the arts and cultural heritage sectors, who are interested in the digitisation process and technologies (e.g. museum and library managers, and technology experts), people interested in the creative uses of the digital arts (e.g. artists, photographers, performers, art critics, etc.), people belonging to the educational sector (e.g. teachers, students, vocational trainers) and also general users who want to be informed and up-to-date on these matters. is an online magazine that provides information, resources and articles about the encounter of the digital technologies with the cultural heritage and the arts. The portal is growing very rapidly and it has already received more than 14,000 visitors per month. All the magazine’s articles are bounced across a wide range of social networks. The platform also provides a useful tool for the dissemination of digital cultural heritage projects: by giving wide visibility to the projects’ activities and achievements, by adding depth to their subjects through interviews and related articles and by offering a repository service for the projects’ results.
Promoter plays the role of Technical Coordinator, contributing to the coordination of the partners, monitoring and assessing the progress of the project. It leads WP5 Communication and dissemination, leading the tasks on web presence, dissemination plan and production of dissemination material.
- Antonella Fresa (Director - ICT expert, working on European cooperation projects and policy development frameworks. Member of the Concertation Table of the Italian Ministries of Culture and Research, concerning the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage. Enterprise Fellow at Coventry University. Currently she is technical coordinator of EUROPEANAPHOTOGRAPHY, DCH-RP, EAGLE, EUROPEANASPACE projects, and Communication Manager of RICHES and PREFORMA project. She manages the provision of communication services to Sii-Mobility Project recently selected by the Italian Ministry of Research in the frame of the Smart Cities Programme. She is Associate Partner Representative in the DiXiT Consortium (Marie-Curie Programme) about digital scholarly editions. Formerly she was technical Coordinator of LINKED HERITAGE, DC-NET ERA-NET, INDICATE, MINERVA series and MICHAEL series. Since 2002 advisor of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Project Officer at the European Commission between 1999 and 2002. Previously: policy advisor for the High Technology Network of the Tuscany Region, advisor to Italian and European organisations in the area of electronic publishing, e-learning, online services and applications. Product manager at Tower Tech; researcher at Olivetti.
- Manuele Buono (Project Assistant - Graduate at High school, 1992, Pisa. From 1999 to 2001, Head of Information Technology Systems and Call Center in local SME. From 2001 to 2010 Head of Design, Installation and Maintenance Office at Futuritalia srl. Cooperativa founding member, which carries out support to companies in the publishing area (particularly in graphic design and printing) and in tourism sector (Management of Tourism Information Offices and event). In this area, he is working in partnership with the Province of Pisa for the realization of European project called “I.T.E.RR COST” for the protection and promotion of the Romanesque heritage in the Mediterranean Area. For Cooperativa he is concerned in business relationships with customers and development of new technologies associated with the press. In Promoter he performs secretarial services supporting the activities of European projects and several other activities (as for example the editing and the updating of this website).He has participated in courses on the privacy regulations, courses graphic design and video editing software.