This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Scholarly Communication and Citizen Science at FORCE2015 conference, Oxford
The FORCE2015 Research Communication and e-Scholarship Conference, hosted by the University of Oxford’s e-Research Centre, took place on 12-13 January 2015.
It brought together over 250 participants eager to explore the changes in the scholarly communication context and explore what this change means in practical terms. One of the areas of focus was citizen science – it had been addressed in the keynote ‘Communication with a Crowd: Lessons from Citizen Science’ delivered by Prof. Chris John Lintott from the University of Oxford.

Prof. Lintott who is Zooniverse principal investigator and University of Oxford Astronomer presented the extensive experience gained through the use of the platform and emphasized the need in new tools and better communication between researchers and citizens.
The conference was organised by Force11, an interdisciplinary community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers, activists and research funders which has its main interest in improved knowledge creation and sharing practices.
The community’s president is Maryann Martone (University of California, San Diego); Daniel O’Donnell from University of Lethbridge, Canada, is Vice President. Paul Groth (VU University Amsterdam), Ivan Herman (World Wide Web Consortium), Eduard Hovy (Carnegie Mellon University — Language Technologies Institute ) and Cameron Neylon (PLOS) are the current directors of the initiative.
Prof. Milena Dobreva attended the Conference as representative of the Civic Epistemologies project.