This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

The N.I.C.E. Award Call 2016 is open!
The N.I.C.E. Award Call 2016 is open!
Deadline is May12, 2016.
The N.I.C.E. Award:
The N.I.C.E. Award is an initiative by the “Network for Innovations in Culture and Creativity in Europe” (N.I.C.E.), which was launched in Dortmund in 2013 by the european centre for creative economy (ecce) with the backing of a consortium of 15 partners from ten countries. For more information, please visit:
This year’s topic:
As the major challenges of our time and society are obviously not getting smaller, we decided to stick to last year’s topic “Solving the World’s Major Challenges – A Call for Innovations”. Due to the great number of submissions of the last year (213 application from 29 countries) we feel that it strikes a nerve. We would like to give more projects an opportunity to provide new solutions to current crucial developments in culture and society. The deadline for submissions is 12th May, 2016! You’ll find the call here
Save the date – Forum d’Avignon Ruhr 2016:
The N.I.C.E. Award 2016 Ceremony will take place on 25th August, once more concurrently with Forum d’Avignon Ruhr 2016 in Essen. It would be a great pleasure to welcome you and to strengthen the N.I.C.E. Network with representatives of industry and economy of the Ruhr region.
Spread the word!:
We would appreciate your assistance in forwarding the call to your colleagues, potential applicants and those interested. It would be great, if you could use your mailing lists and/or other distribution channels in order to reach as many people as possible.Please find the call and the application form here In addition, please find the press release in the attachments.
Inna Goudz
Project Management Europe
ecce | european centre for creative economy
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